Installation ============ Users ^^^^^ 1. Install requirements:: sudo apt-get install wget git python python-virtualenv \ python-dev python3-dev python3-pip 2. Configure your git credentials:: git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" 3. Download git-repo:: wget chmod a+x ./repo 4. Get manifest files:: python2 ./repo init -u 5. Configure user-only manifest file:: python2 ./repo init -m user.xml 6. Get all repositories:: # to get all repositories python2 ./repo sync # set master branch for all repos python2 ./repo forall -c 'git checkout master' # to check status of all repositories python2 ./repo status # to pull all repositories at once: python2 ./repo forall -c 'git pull --rebase' Developers ^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Create an account at our gitlab -> Go to: 2. Upload your public key into you account settings. 3. Install requirements:: sudo apt-get install wget git python python-virtualenv \ python-dev python3-dev python3-pip 4. Configure your git credentials:: git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" 5. Download git-repo:: wget chmod a+x ./repo 5. Get manifest files:: python2 ./repo init -u ssh:// 6. Get all repositories:: # to get all repositories python2 ./repo sync # set master branch for all repos python2 ./repo forall -c 'git checkout master' # to check status of all repositories python2 ./repo status # to pull all repositories at once: python2 ./repo forall -c 'git pull --rebase' Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Create virtual environment:: virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 ./dev 2. Activate virtual environment:: source ./dev/bin/activate 3. Install all dependencies (if all needed):: pip3 install -U -r ./.repo/manifests/requirements.txt 4. Deactivate virtual environment (if you need to exit):: deactivate